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I'm Tanuj

A programmer.

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I am Tanuj Sood, A student who is learning web development. This is my first website hope you like it

My Skills.

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I learnt basic HTML-5 in my early school days, But I started using it for creating beautiful websites very recently. I have a good command over HTML-5 and can precisely use it to create barebones of websites.

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I started learning CSS-3 as a part of syllabus of a technical society I wanted to enter in my college. Now I have good knowledge CSS-3 and can style the html sites according to the client's need.


Python 3.9

I am a Python 3.9 coder and can create efficient codes with my knowledge of the language rules and syntax. I learnt python during my XI-XIIth standard as a subject but I explored besides books and I am here today.

C programming

I learnt C programming on my own when i was in my XIIth standard. I have basic knowledge of C programming at a glance and can create efficient codes.



I learnt SQL database in my XIIth standard. It was included in my curriculum. I have good knowledge of SQL commands/queries and table joins.

Get In Touch

Come let us talk over a cup of Tea at my place.

We can code while we have a cup of Tea.

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